Monday-Friday, January 29-February 2, 2018


12min AMRAP

20 Wall Balls

10 Jumping Lunges e/s



4 Rounds for Time

10 Pull Ups
1 minute wall Sit
10 KB Snatch each side
40 DU
20 Second plank Hold


12min AMRAP

20 Box Jumps

20 Wall Balls

10 Jumping Lunges e/s



4 Rounds for Time

800m Run
10 Pull Ups
20 Fr Rack Walking Lunges
15 Push Ups
20 Second handstand Hold



5 Rounds for Time EMOM 2 Burpees

15 Box Jumps
20 Butterfly Sit Ups
20 DU



Monday- Friday, January 22-26, 2018


15 minute AMRAP of:

Deadlifts (155lbs / 100lbs)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (24″ / 20″)


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:

15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)


FOR TIME: 800m Run

30 Deadlifts 225/165

30 OTB Burpees

30 Squat Jumps

800m Run

*20min Time Cap

LII: 185/135.

LI: 600m runs okay. DL weight of choice. Step over bar. Air squats.


Dynamic WARM UP

2 rounds:run 500 3 upward/downward dog. 10 touch downs. 10 arm swings over unders. 3 burpees. 3 re negade rows per arm at weight of choice. :60 double under practice.

*Move through it at your own pace this is a warm up

Dynamic Warm Up Demos
EMOM for 10 minutes of:

5 Renegade Rows Per Arm 50/35

12 Double Unders

SUB 1:  40/25.

SUB 2:   Renegade row weight of choice. :20 Max DU or single unders.



2 rounds: run 400 :30 arm circles forward and backward pinkies up. 10 PVC pass throughs. 10 pushup walk outs. 10 toe touches per leg. 5 BB clean and jerks.

*Move through it at your own pace this is a warm up

Dynamic Warm Up Demos


” Grace ”

For time:

30 Clean and Jerks 135/95

*8min Time Cap

sub 1:115/75.

sub 2: Barbell weight of choice.




Monday, January 15 – Friday 19, 2018

Warm up–run 4 minutes–12-7-5 of pvc thrusters,  push ups,  hollow rocks

WOD Complete 21-15-9 reps of the following 3 exercises for time

Wall Balls

Med Ball Slams

Weighted Sit Ups



Run minutes,  2 rounds 10 each of Russian kbs, goblet squats,  scissors

5 Rounds for Time EMOM 2 Burpees

45 KB Swings
20 Butterfly Sit Ups


Wednesday  run 800m , x2 of 12 each push ups,  step ups, speed skaters


12min AMRAP

20 Box Jumps

20 DU

20 Push Press



Run 3 minutes,  x2 lengths lunges, 14 each step ups, paralette dips, kbs

WOD Complete 4 Rounds for Time

30 Air Squat
20 Box Jumps
Muscle Ups


Friday run 3 minutes, x2 of 200 m farmer carry with kb, 14 lunges, 20 mtn climbers, 12 hollow rocks

5 Rounds for Time EMOM 2 Burpees

25 KB Swings
15 Box Jumps
10 Donkey Kicks




Monday- Friday, January 8-12,2018


Warm up…run 400m. Push ups.. med ball cleans…ring rows … squats

Complete 21-15-9 reps of the following 3 exercises for time

Ring Dips

KB Swings

Pull Ups


Tuesday warm up….run 3 minutes…step ups…ring riws.. med ball cleans…goid mornings…plank jacks

4 Rounds for Time

10 Shoulder to Overhead
20 Fr Rack Walking Lunges
15 Push Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Second Handstand Hold


Wednesday.. warm up.. jumpripe 2 minutes.. hop…skip.. broad jump.. bearcrawl…ring rows..stepups..pvc thrusters

4 Rounds for Time

800m Run
10 Pull Ups
1 minute hollow rocks
20 Fr Rack Walking Lunges
20 Wallballs

Thursday —warm up.. run 4 minutes…mtn climbers…step ups…puah ups.. hip thrusts

-12min AMRAP

10 Burpees

10 Jumping Lunges e/s



FRIDAY –warm up… 3 minutes jumprope.. hop…skip. bearcrawl.. good ball cleans.. mtb climbers

.-10 Min AMRAP

Deadlift (80% 1RM)

Run 400m

10 Medball Slams



Daily extras
